News Release (more formal)

Dear ____,
The 90-second personal audio I provide at the link below represents a passion for something I’ve watched develop since 2014. I am excited and compelled to pass this on to everyone I know.
Go to If the idea doesn’t move you, then you only invested 90 seconds.
But if you become the least bit curious about the Hope Movement, the lives that are saved, and the nourishment brought to the most vulnerable malnourished children in the world, then you will want to take this discussion to the next level.
The Hope Movement is made effective by a social business model that also pays promoters who bring others aboard. It includes a double bottom line: purpose and profit, where both work for each other’s success. I cannot say enough good about it.
I’ll stay in touch to keep you updated.
Your Name Here
Cell Phone: 123-456-7890
PS  Our first level goal is to nourish 7 million malnourished children using this for-profit social business model. The largest relief organization to date nourishes 1.9 million.

Shorter News Release (less formal)

Hey Bruce, our family is involved in something you may want to know more about. We promote a project whose goal is to eradicate childhood malnutrition using a social business model, which means we get paid for the people we enlist into the project. I am contacting everyone I know who I believe might have a heart for this. I will contact you soon and provide some details.